Monday, February 27, 2006


I'm just updating to say what's going on. I have a midterm and an English paper both due this Wednesday. I should be looking over my research and getting head-start on my English paper. Which I will do after this...I'll make myself. Midterm shouldn't be too bad. Just need to study. As I have found out, "Dude, this is College!" Cool beans.

After I got home I took out the garbage and washed some dishes because there was a bad smell in the house. It turned out to be the Garbage, but after I cleaned a bit, it smelled better. I think God has decided to put bad smells where I live to be like, "Um know you should probably clean up." You can't spray oust every time. Sometimes you have to get rid of the source. One of life's lessons learned in College. Not History or Math, but how to get rid of bad smells. I learned how to produce bad smells from birth. Ask my parents! :-)

That may have been a little disgusting to some of you. I apologize if I offended anyone...well...I'm kinda sorry. I thought it was funny! I don't really have anything to say right now, so I guess I will be going. Oh...I've been reading the book The Kite Runner. It's starting to depress me a little bit, but I can't put it down. It's really honest and it makes you question yourself and human nature. I'll tell more about it as time goes on. For now, I am out!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I am listening to one of my favorite songs right now. It's one of those songs that you can just close your eyes and feel the soul of it. It's called, "The Nearness of You" and it is sung by the wonderful Ms. Norah Jones. It's jazzy and it's the way a song should be. A story as told by Vocals and a Piano. Pure, simple, and elegant. Very nice!

As the music changes, so does the blog. I had the chance to be eating steak tonight. I could have thawed it out, served it with corn and mashed potatoes, and made a night of it. I decided not to do that though. Instead, I had a Tuna Sandwich with some Fritos! But I must say, that this was very good! I make a good Tuna Sandwich! Although this bread is like Superman Bread. I have had it for like over a month and there is no mold on it and it is as white and soft as when I first got it. Thank you Bunny Bread! I'm trying to eat a little more healthy. Although that doesn't help if you're snacking on Girl Scout Cookies and Peanuts. Oh well. I'll be fine. If nothing else, I'll start dancing in my room again. I can get a good workout doing that!

I wrote one of the most random essays today on my test. I had so much to say, little time to say it, and a very roundabout way to do it. Scott's not going to get the same grades he got last semester. :-( I just gotta sit down and get serious about it. No need to worry, I will. It's like that great Facebook Group everyone is a part of "Procrastinators Unite.........Tomorrow!"

On a serious note, I had a little bit of an awakening yesterday. I found out that the things you say and the way you act has a profound influence on how people view you. You may say things or do things you don't mean to do. For all of you reading this out there...if I am guilty of this, I would like to apologize.

Well, that's about all I need to say for now. I need to take care of some personal matters. Have a great rest of the day and remember to tie your shoes. If you're like me and are really lazy, tie them in Double Knots and then just slide them on and off! I don't think I have tied my shoes in over a year! :-)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Changes and Boats

I could use this blog right now to vent my little head off. I could talk about the tests I have coming up, the big projects in the future, the homework, and even the fact that I feel very overloaded. Yet, I won't talk about that...Despite the little sentence I just said describing what I could talk about. In that case, I did use it for venting. However, that is not what this whole blog will be centered around!

This will sound kind of weird, but I felt taller today. I'm not trying to make a short joke here or exclaim that I am physically growing, but I felt psychologically taller. It seems like since college my focus is starting to shift. Even take for example the College Ministry at church opposed to when I was in the High School Ministry. I feel God leading in both of those, however I had a great conversation with a couple guys last night that opened my eyes. When you are a youth being part of a youth ministry, often you do not look at yourself as supporting this ministry or even seeing the leaders as someone who needs support. A lot of times Youth Ministry is to help you the student to grow spiritually and grow as a community. It is like that in the College Ministry too, but there is also this responsibility that because God blessed this group, you must do what you can to help this ministry grow. I wish I could say with all honesty that my main focus was to see the Youth Ministry grow and see High School Students come to Christ but during that time on my life, I was focused on myself and the friends surrounding me. Don't get me wrong. The Youth Ministry has helped me grow spiritually, and I would not be where I am today without the leaders and mentors letting God speak through them to me. For those reading this that are family and friends, don't think that I am leaving you out. I am just trying to relate this to two specific genres of ministry...God has used every person and family member in some way or another to influence my faith. I have just found lately that this whole, "It's not about me" attitude takes a lot of work. This coming from the guy who named two cars, his glasses, his screen name, two email addresses, and his blog after himself! Gotta love it! :-)

I know this blog is getting long, but you are probably wondering about the boat reference. I bought a picture that hangs above my computer of a boat sitting on top of a swampy-land facing toward the lake. This lake is reflecting the glow of the sunrise. When I look at this boat, I imagine myself getting ready to get inside of it. I see myself begin to row. As I row, I go over the calm, smooth waters to a chartered destination that does not appear within the picture. There is no one around. Just me and the calm waters reflective of the pink and yellow sky. I start rowing hearing the sounds of silence. I don't know what lies ahead, I don't hear any distractions around me, just the invitation of the open waters. I am rowing to a destination. I don't know what will happen along my path or the strange lure of what is beyond what I can see. Yet I know that I must keep rowing for what lies ahead is something greater. Something that I would not find letting my boat rest on the swamp.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Case of the Mondays

Today was just A...bleh kind of day. It actually started off pretty good though. My English professor brought us some candy, my other classes went pretty well, and Praise Band Practice went pretty well. I was even sporting some harmonies on a couple of them! Not too bad for a little short man that needs to cut his fingernails! If that didn't make sense to you, don't worry. I really didn't understand that either.

I'm listening to music right now, trying to decide whether I should do homework now or tomorrow morning. I know that worrying about school and then not doing anything is kind of weird in itself. Enough about that though. I watched, "Fiddler on the Roof" last night. Good movie. I found myself singing along with it. It was rather amusing because I was doing grammar exercises while listening/watching it. Which might explain why my paper was like, "You don't have to use commas because of all God's miracles large and small the most miraculous one of all is out of a worthless lump of clay, God has made a man today!" Just imagine if I was doing math! I would be like, "4 + 5x = TRADITION!"

Well, I should be going pretty soon. I need to take care of some personal business and procrastinate some more. In the words of Tevye, "God be with you."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Life, stuff, and Tootsie Roll Mini Chews

I had one of the busiest weekends I have ever had. I had a paper to write for World History and English and a test in Physical Science. Isn't that nutty? I finished my English paper Sunday night, my History paper has been a progress in the past couple of days, and I had my Physical Science test today. Let's just pray right now that baby gets curved a little bit...I swear it was nuts! I spent these past couple of days memorizing how to convert from cm to inches, km to miles, meters to feet, liters to gallons, the radius of the earth, equations for speed, velocity, and everything else having to do with Physics! My head really hurt after I got done with the test. I think smoke literally started coming out of my head...Remember in the cartoons when they would get fried and you would just see smoke coming off of their bodies? I kind of felt like that. But I'm good now.

I went to the store today. I have a new favorite candy. Tootsie Roll Mini Chews. I thought this was really stupid at first. On the package it says they are chocolate covered. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't tootsie rolls made out of chocolate? Then I thought to myself, "This is a box with little tootsie rolls in them. They aren't just chocolate, but they are chocolate covered in chocolate!" It's like pouring Caramel syrup over a Caramel...Or strawberry syrup over a strawberry...IT'S GENIUS! So I am currently eating them. Gotta love the fact that they are like 15% fat! Although they have 4% Calcium and 4% Iron...Pretty interesting.

I could have posted on how stressed papers make me feel or how I really don't like tests and classes, but I have just been informed that pessimism really makes one of my friends upset, so therefore I will try to be optimistic. "Yeah for Papers that help to expand my thinking! I love tests because it challenges me and lets me know how I'm doing! Grades? They don't have to be perfect! As long as I try my best!" Excuse me while I get some crackers to absorb all this cheesiness.

Well that's it for today. I hope that you all are having a great day. Check out the new Tootsie Roll Mini Chews. Oddly enough, they are found in the card aisle at Kroger...Don't as me why, they just are. Have a good one!

Thursday, February 02, 2006


We had a debate today in our Physical Science lab. Yes you heard me right....In our Physical Science Lab. He divided us into two groups. The question asked if the scientific process is defined by those in power. It was divided into two main groups. The other group basically talked about how the Government is hindering scientific progress and how basically the administration gives more of a hoot about oil and the military than science. My group was suppose to disagree with that. Let me just say a couple of things. I consider myself passive and I don't like to debate because frankly I don't like stupid people. If the stupid people come up with something that makes sense and that I can't argue myself out of, I get defensive and start to think things like, "Yeah?!? Well....Your feet smell!" If there is a statement made that I feel is way out there and no one else addresses it properly, I will take the responsibility on myself. When it was our turn to speak, I brought up the Preamble of the Constitution and said that America has to promote the general welfare. The government has done many things to help scientific progress. It has set up national parks, wildlife refugees, Government programs such as the FDA, and I said that it is important to think of the future, but you have to be realistic. Our budget needs to encompass a lot of things. We need to concentrate also on construction, welfare, veterans benefits, the military, and human needs. You know what they did when I said this? They made smart Alec comments to everything I said! Then everything I said was basically ignored! It's like, "Let's let the short man say what he has to say, and get on with our debate!" AH!!!!!! I left kind of angry, but a guy in my class said I did a good job. :-)

If anyone does comment to this, please don't argue with what I said. I'm to the point where I don't care about facts anymore and I will just go onto name-calling! That's why I couldn't debate in High School. In the middle of the round I would be like, "What is wrong with you? Do you have any feelings at all? Are you just dumb or are you trying to make me mad! How dare you have an opinion that is not mine! Jerk!" *breathes* Do you want to know what's funny? In order to calm myself down, I came home and started singing about David mourning for his son Absolom! Then after that I washed dishes! You hear about these guys exercising, hitting bags, lifting weights, etc. to calm themselves down....I sing and wash things! At least my hands smell nice.