Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I just bought 30 Twinkies

Let me explain first...two of the boxes are going to my Speech Class tomorrow because I said that I would bring Twinkies. I kept a box for myself though...but I've only had two since I bought them! It was a craving of mine I had. I don't know why, but I just wanted some Twinkies. That Golden Sponge Cake, Creamy filling, Individually wrapped, with that funny little Twinkie cowboy/girl (A Twinkie doesn't really have a particular sex) on the front of the box.

Enough about that though. Lots of exciting things are coming up. I handed in a POD form today, so that issue I had with my ELED 3050 Class should be okay. I have three finals I need to take, which shouldn't be too bad. They are actually all on different dates! How convenient! I did a little victory dance after my Informal Geometry class today. I must say this...I don't Loathe Geometry anymore. I don't really like it that much, but I actually got the hang of it. That didn't stop me from dancing when I got out of class. I'm sure people looking at me got kinda scared. If they saw the dancing sequence with the Umbrella in, "Singing in the Rain," then they wouldn't have been so frightened!

Exciting events coming up include my Sister's Graduation and Mullet Search. Sarah will be graduating Summa Cum Laude (Smartie Pants) from The University of Tennessee at Martin in Music Education...or a Bachelor degree in Music...or Fine Arts...or something. I'm going to have to check on that. I know it has to do with Music and Teaching. So Yeah for Sarah! If you want to know about Mullet Search...I believe I wrote a post on it a while back.

Other than that, things are good here. I hope you all have a great rest of the day!

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