Saturday, April 05, 2008

Education and Prayer

Have you ever had one of those times when you got an obvious answer to prayer? That happened to me today. Brentwood Baptist Church is having construction done to build the new Discipleship Connection Center which will be a place to help students both spiritually and academically. The intention is to reach out to the community and let students/parents know there is a place where they can get help in any capacity. God may have even bigger plans than that, but we're just taking it one step at a time.

The prayer ministry of our church has arranged this week and next week as a time to partake in a "Starbucks Prayer Tour" where a small group of people meet at Starbucks and then go to various schools to pray for the faculty, students, and the various issues that they face (mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, etc). I was able to go to the one today.

I am an Elementary Education Major, so school-aged kids and the education system have always been part of my heart. Lately, I have really been questioning what I should do. We prayed for schools, the teachers, the students, and all that they were facing. We then discussed the prospect of Christian teachers and Male teachers for the lower grades...and about how we needed them to be planted in our school systems. Students spent more time in schools than they do a lot in churches or even their own homes.

During one of these stops at the High School I graduated from (Brentwood High) and one that a lot of the kids in my Lifegroup go to (Brentwood Middle), a couple of the adults I was with started to pray for me! It was very encouraging and uplifting, and it really made me proud of what I am doing in College and what I may plan to do in the near future. This gave me encouragement to know that when I go into that field, there will be people praying for me. I don't have to do it alone. What a great answer to prayer!

Our Educational system is a HUGE mission field. It is good to take time out of our schedules to remember this and set aside some time to pray for the faculty, students, and all the issues they face.

If you would like to pray for our public schools, here is a link you can go to to help guide your prayer. It is in a PDF format and you can print it out.

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