Monday, September 22, 2008

Titans, school, and peanut butter

The Titans game was awesome!!! My dad and I went after the first service (so we did go to church for all of you who called me a Heathen). We got there, got some lunch (foot-long hot dog for Dad and Bratwurst for me), and sat in our seats. They were good seats and we were shaded from the sun, so it was really cool. The people around us weren't cursing or being rude but just enjoying the game. We both had fun and it was great to see them win :-) Then we got home and watched the Broncos' game, and they won too! It was a good day for football.

When I pulled into school today I said to myself, "Uh-oh...I have a test today!" It was a Cultural Anthropology test that I just finished with 10-20 minutes ago. I think I did all right. We'll see soon. But I did have a nice lunch of Peanut Butter and Kettle Chips, so I had some Brain food to work with. At least I think it was Brain food...all I know is that it was filling.

I have to sit down and look at my schedule this week because I have four-five projects I need to be working on. They aren't too hard, just very time-consuming. Depending on how far I get with one of my projects will determine if I can go to the BCM retreat this Saturday. I don't see it being a problem.

Overall, things are going very well. I hope you all have a great rest of the week!

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