Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Autobiography of George Mϋller

I just got done reading this book. I ordered this book near the end of May from Amazon. I have been looking to purchase this book for a while ever since I saw it in Lifeway. This book is a great testimony to what God can do through a person who completely relies on God. George Mϋller starts off his story with blatant honesty in showing us his sinful past. He then goes on to tell about how he encountered God (through a small group bible study/prayer group) and from there it talks about his ministry. He becomes a pastor of a church for a while, then God calls him to become part of the work in Bristol, England. God then shows him that he wants him to help with his work with the Orphans and help disciple/inform believers and non-believers through the work of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution which is a school for the study of scriptures for children and adults. The book focuses on those ministries as well as the means to support those ministries.

The cool part about this is that George Mϋller refused to take a salary after he was convicted by how the money was used in the church. From that moment on, he depended on the Lord to provide all the money and resources needed for his everyday physical needs and the ministry. The book goes on to discuss his prayers and God's answer to his prayers. God always provided what he NEEDED when he needed it. Through this ministry, thousands of people knew about the bible, and tens of thousands of Orphans needs were met. During his time it was a little more than a thousand, but the orphanages survived past his death.

This book was kind of tough to get into, but it was well worth the read. It was a great example of what God can do through someone who truly has faith. George was humble about everything, boasting only in God, and he remained faithful through his life. He said in his book that on his own strength, he could maybe do a tenth of the work that was entrusted with him but because God was helping him, he could do all of it. He was devoted to prayer and mediation of scripture, and he had a heart of telling others about God. The ministry even included supporting over 80 missionaries on top of the institution and the orphanages. George said that he felt this ministry existed to prove to people what God can do through those who put their trust in him.

I am going to camp this week, and our themes have to do with Faith. I think I got done with this book just in time :-)

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