Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I passed ECC & RAC!

I am excited right now, so please give me some time to brag a little and enjoy this moment.

Guess what?!? I PASSED! I am required to take four tests in Praxis II in order to be fully licensed and accredited in the state of Tennessee. I took two of those tests on June 13, 2009. Those two tests were; Elementary Education - Content Knowledge & Reading Across the Curriculum - Elementary. I needed a score of 140 for Content Knowledge and I got 161. I needed a score of 151 for Reading Across the Curriculum, and I got 170.

The cool part of the results is that it breaks down how you did on each part.
  • On Content Knowledge I am in the average range for Science, Math, and Language Arts, but I am above average in Social Studies.
  • On Reading Across the Curriculum, I am in the average range for Problem Solving Exercises, Assessment of Reading, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Materials & Instruction/Reading Environment. I am above average in Theory of Reading as a process; Language Acquisition and Early Literacy & Vocabulary, Spelling, and Word Study.
Now I have two more tests I need to take; Principles of Teaching and Learning for K-6, and Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.

Lots of Prayer went into these tests, so thanks family and friends. Now let's pray for the next part of the journey - these tests as well as Student Teaching!!!!

1 comment:

Andy Roberts said...

you got me on RAC.haha