Monday, April 24, 2006

Prom 2006

This is going to be a long Blog, so you can do a couple of things. You can get comfy, grab a snack, and get ready to be dazzled by my amazing story-telling abilities, you can skim to parts you like, or you can take it in parts, or you can not read it and just be like, "Well, I bet it was nice." For those of you that wish to continue, Good for you!

For those of you that didn't know, I attended Prom last Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Let me start off by telling what happened at the start of the day. In preparation, I did a couple of things. I bought a camera (disposable...I found that these tend to work just as well) and then washed my car. I got that cleaned inside and out, and took a picture to show myself how pretty it is. My mom picked up the corsage, so all of that was taken care of. Then I got ready later on in the day. Nothing real special guys have to do to get ready. Although I did polish my shoes and make sure I wasn't offensive in any way.

I was then off to pick up my date. To be honest, I was kind of nervous. For one, I was using mapquest to find her house and for those of you that don't know this, I am really bad with directions. You know what happened?!? I FOUND IT! I even arrived in good time and apparently "Perfect Timing" as I was told. Brownie Points for Scott! I got up to the door, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. Then I went into the house. My date was right there and she looked very pretty, attractive, nice,...all those adjectives and more! For some reason I got too nervous to compliment her in front of her parents, but I did once we got done taking pictures!

After we took pictures, we headed off to her friend's house to take pictures there, and then go to dinner. That was a lot of fun because we both had good friends in the group, and it gave me a reason to be silly and act like a a dignified manner of course! After all of the pictures we went to dinner at Mere Bulles. I ordered a Filet Mignon Oscar Style. No words can describe it. To tell you how good it was, I took one bite and uttered these words..."I'm in Love." I felt like hugging the waiter. It was awesome.

Then it was off to the dance. Our group had a Limo, except for me and my date. By the way, my date's name was Stephanie just in case anyone wanted to know. If she gets upset with her name in here, I'll fix it later. Anyway we got to Prom and entered the room. The music this year was actually pretty good. I never recognize the decorations or anything, but I'm not the only one. We danced almost the whole night. Minus the part where I presented Stephanie and the couple times when old man Scott had to sit down because he was tired.

After Prom, we went to Blair's house for a little get together after prom party sort of thing. I hope that sentence was confusing! There was food, drinks, but a good calm atmosphere were we could just relax. Apparently we could have brought an extra set of clothing to change into, but we never got the memo. Boo! Neither Stephanie or I really cared though. We were like, "We look good, so who cares?" Near the end of the night...or rather the next day I guess, the party started to die down and everyone got tired. We all ended up watching the last bit of Jumanji. Well, some did. A lot of people fell asleep. I kept myself awake because I was driving.

Then we finally decided it was time to go. I drove Stephanie home and we said our goodbyes and reflected upon the evening. We both had a great time (I believe I can speak for both of us) and it was a lot of fun. Of course I got lost in the neighborhood trying to get home again, but that was expected.

So Stephanie if you're reading this, thanks for a great time at Prom. I had a lot of fun, and it was really cool to spend time with you. I'm sorry that I was unable to make it to church that Sunday. I woke up at 9:15 and was like, "Oh Crap." Since we had to leave for Martin right after the first service, I watched the service online. I heard that you did see my family though, so props to you!

There's stuff that I left out, but I didn't want this blog to take up the whole page. Contact me if you want to know anything else, or whatever. I hope you all have a great day.


Anonymous said...

I had such a great time with you at prom. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You've inspired me to write random poetry! (It truly is random!)Ok, so that's not the point but anyway at church, Jessica wore her prom dress but I went to the service instead of sunday school.( I was just too tired to do both.)Hopefully I'll get pictures developed soon! Plus my mom stole a bouquet of prom flowers so I came home to a little sweet-smelling surpise!!


Anonymous said...

you have such an interesting life!!!