Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Springtime and other things

Spring is my favorite time of the year. The weather is nice, school is almost out, and it brings back memories of running through the grass, sitting outside with friends, taking random drives, and eating ice cream without people looking at you funny. There is just one problem with Spring...ALLERGIES! It's crazy! If I smell a rose, grass, or even just breathe, I just feel all stuffy. When I woke up this morning, I was alarmed at my voice. I have been sounding like Marlon Brando ever since I woke up. I wanted to shout out, "I could have been a contender! I could have been somebody!" to my professors...But I refrained since I had a test. Although that would have been sweetly awesome!

I may have been offensive to some people today. I had a tuna sandwich and doritos for lunch. I keep thinking back to that Jim Gaffigan comment when he's like, "Do you know what tastes good on fish? Anything that covers the flavor of fish!" That's funny. I know I put relish and Mayo mixed in with tuna for my sandwiches, so he can't be too far off.

I need to finish up my English Paper. Leave it to me to try to defend a topic that almost no one agrees with. I'm trying to convince my audience that local school boards have the power to censor books. My professor told me that, "Everyone is against you." Teachers, society, Supreme Court, etc. So am I going to change my stance? Ha ha ha. That would be easy and a good choice...So I'm not going to. Let's make my paper hard and impossible! That's the way to do it.

For those of you that want to know, I'm not a book burner or anything. I feel that some books are so inappropriate that they should not be taught in schools or accessible in schools (they can be taken out of the schools and the school's library, but the student can still get the books from a public library). Then you get into the question of what's appropriate and not, how you judge that, etc. The Supreme Court was even split on the decision of whether or not school boards have the power, but all that people see is , "Hey, they ruled in favor of them not censoring books!" Just let them ignore the fact that it was a 5-4 decision with justices such as O'Connor, Rehnquist, Chief Justice Burger (at the time), and Powell dissenting...Sorry this is probably getting boring or just sounds like me ranting. If you want to more about this, write a comment or contact me. Have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Your "lunch-time offensiveness" is nothing compeared to my "post-milking offensiveness." Lol, but I love the loks I get when I come srtaight from the barn, smelling of cow, cow poo, mud, hay, and other random barn smells. Man I love my cows :). By the way, hope your allergies get better. Have you tried taking benedryl? Not only is it supposed to help allergies, but it makes for a good sleep too :)

Anonymous said...

As far as your paper goes, you may want to ask a random sample of 10-20 students when is the last time they checked out a book from the library. You will find that only a small percent of people even know where the library is - much less have checked out a book. You can find apathy on pretty much any campus. Funny, if you want to try to put a book in the library on how to destroy millions of people at once everyone would say get rid of it...people only believe in censorship when it is to their gain.

I believe in you and your stance. Way to go Scott

Scott-tea said...

To answer Dana, I haven't used Benedryl, but I have been taking Claritin every night, so that has been helping me out. Thank you for your concern and relating to my "offensiveness!"

Thank you, John for your opinion and encouragement. I already handed in my paper, so we'll see what happens!