Saturday, June 24, 2006

Kids and Wrestling for Jesus

It's kind of funny if you think about it. I read blogs, xangas, and things like that, and I wonder why people don't update. Then I look at mine and it's like, "Is there like nothing happening?" I think it's the whole, "Let's blog when I feel like it" mentality. Perhaps even a, "I'm not going to say something unless I think other people should know about it" type of thing. I try not to vent or get really personal on a blog unless it's something that I want people to know about, or a specific person or group of people I want to talk to. I'm just weird. At least I'm not as weird as Gaffigan. He's not as weird as the people in the Looney Bin. If you ask the people in the Looney Bin they'll say, "Well, at least I'm an Orange."

For those of you that didn't get that last line, it was off of a Comedy Album that I think is hilarious! I think it may be his only clean album, but it's still good! The album is Jim Gaffigan "Beyond the Pale" if you want to check it out.

A lot has been happening. I did SACK week (Sports and Arts Camp for Kids) or Vacation Bible School for those of you that know it that way. It was fun. I was a leader for B'Wood Boys which was basically arts and crafts for boys. Then I was a co-leader for a 2nd Grade Bible Study. If I learned something at SACK week it's that I have more patience with kids now, and I am not too nervous about the whole teaching thing. It was kind of funny. We were talking about stuff in their Bible Study time, and I really wanted to go deeper in the lesson. I had to tell myself, "Scott, they're in Second grade!" When I taught on Friday, I thought I asked questions that were simple enough. Either they didn't want to speak or I confused them. I asked them, "How can we use our gifts and talents to help people?" They had some good ideas. I liked the one about how if someone was a good wrestler, they should teach wrestling or name a move after Jesus! I smiled at that one. Can you imagine? "Here comes the Masked Menace and...Wait a minute...He's going to use the Jesus Pile-Driver! He Jumps....BOOM! That's gotta hurt!" LOL, I don't care who you are that's funny right there. Git R' Dun!

Summer Camp is coming up next week, so keep the leaders and students in your thoughts and Prayers. I think I am going to go eat now. Have a great rest of the day and be safe!

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