Friday, July 31, 2009

Hong Kong -Day 6 & 7

Hey Everyone!

I'm sorry I didn't blog earlier, but I just didn't have any time. I was trying to think of what I did yesterday morning and for the life of me, I can not remember. So I will start with VBS yesterday, what we did that night, and then move on to today.

Day 6:

Today was the day after we gave the plan of salvation. This is usually an interesting day because you are still following up on those who have questions and trying to clarify things that were a little confusing the day before. My drama went pretty well. This week I have really tried to use props and play around with "the stage." I used chairs in a circle to represent me talking with the disciples, I used two chairs (one-on-one) when Peter was supposed to be talking with Jesus, and I used the net and the entire stage. I think it went pretty well. As Zach said, "Scott and I are supposed to set everybody up for the Bible Study." Our Bible Study went pretty well. I have just gotten used to the fact that we need to teach between the disruptions and repetition and games are the best ways to do it.

That night, I went with several people from our group to a Mexican restaurant. Several of the people in our group were craving Mexican food, and that sounded good to me. I enjoyed eating Chinese food don't misunderstand, but I would be okay if I didn't see Dimsum again. After we ate, we went to the Ladies market which is this outdoor market that spans 3-4 blocks. It has practically everything imaginable to purchase there. I got some things. I haggled once bringing it down 4 Hong Kong Dollars and then other times they haggled with me. There was this one item I was looking at and I asked, "How much for this?" She said, "250 Hong Kong Dollars." I walked away. She shouted, "225....200......150......100!" When she said 100 I said, "Okay, you got a deal!" If you think of it in American dollars, that is basically like going from 36 dollars to 14 dollars. Part of the fun is the deal. I don't like to haggle, but it was fun to do once in a while.

Day 7:

Today was our last day of VBS. As I am writing this we are waiting to go back for Family Night, and there we will present ICM with our mission offering. I will tell you what it is another time because I want to wait for it to be official.

I started off my day with an adventure. Pete, Vanover (Jason), Courtney and I all went to Lama Island today. Basically what happens is you go to Hong Kong Island, take a fast-boat/ferry to there (25-30 minutes) and then you hike around the island. This is a nice place to get away from the city and see the mountains, trees, and nature. So we got there and we HIKED up and around this mountain. I think we agreed that it was close to 3 miles and believe me when I say this. When I say, "We hiked up-hill, both ways" that is not a lie! Once we got closer to the Pier it started going downhill, but most of the hike was up the mountain. I got some B-E-A-UTIFUL pictures here, and it was a great experience. Although I feel almost dead today because of the workout.

Then we went to VBS. The Nepalese women said they would cook lunch for us. I will tell you this right now. I didn't know what Nepalese food was or if it was any good but if it is like anything I had this afternoon, it may be my favorite. There was lamb with curry, rice with vegetables, Nepalese spaghetti, apple pie, rice pudding, bread, chicken wings, it was delightful. (I promise this whole blog won't be about food. It's just close to dinner time here, and it was what's on my mind). Then we started VBS. I felt like my drama was kind of going through the motions, but Jason told me that he thought it went well. I had to do it over Acts 12 where Peter gets arrested, an angel breaks him out, he goes to a friends, Rhoda doesn't answer the door because she's so excited, Peter sees them, tells them about stuff, and then leaves (those are the Scott-notes). It was kind of hard to figure how to do it, but it happened. I also did lead-teach today where we did a balloon game and a couple things with scripture. I won't lie...teaching this week has been exhausting. But I think they got something out of it. Even if it is just the fact that Jesus loves them, that's good for me.

I am about to head out now. Please pray for our family night. Also pray for our trip home. It's a L-O-N-G flight. "How long is it?" "Why it's so long that I was able to read the dictionary and still have time to hit myself with a frying pan to see if I can see stars!" I'm sorry that was bad. I'm kinda tired.

I hope you all are having a great day, and I will see you soon in the states!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hong Kong - Day Five

Hey Everyone!

I was just able to read the comments section of my blog, and I want to say thank you for those of you that responded! I am trying to be consistent in updating my blogs. The funny thing is in my mind I think I'm late in talking about Day Five but when I post this, it will actually show as Wednesday Night instead of Thursday Morning as it is here. Doesn't that just blow your mind?

For those that have done VBS, you know that the day you present the gospel seems to always be the hardest. The kids may be extra hyper, there may be more distractions, things may go wrong, there's just a lot of spiritual warfare going on in which you need to be aware. For me, I hardly got any sleep the night before (Melatonin can be your best friend or sometimes your worst enemy) and I was nervous about my drama. We did not have the same amount of time to prepare because we went to lunch with Bonnie (one of the heads of the center we are working at with the ICM - Inner City Ministries) so the team's focus was not as good as it could have been.

Now here comes the part where we start VBS. I first made sure everything in the classroom was okay and that Courtney and Lynette were prepared with what they were doing. We prayed as a group, and then when I was working (I must have looked really stressed out) Lynette asked if she could pray for me. That helped a lot. So then in my mind I was going through the four scenes that I was going to play (Jesus telling Peter Satan was going to sift him like wheat, Peter's Denial, Jesus' crucifixion, and Jesus' resurrection), and getting all my props ready. I used two chairs, a sword, a hammer, a railroad spike, and a white garment. Then came time for the drama. I started off by saying something like, "Following Jesus was one of the best decisions I made in my entire life. Because of what he did for me and who he is, I worship him. Now I am about to tell you a story that has to do with me, you, and everyone in this entire world. This is the most important story I will ever tell. I want to start with a conversation I had with Jesus..." Then I went into the drama. I was just playing out the scenes in my head, but the kids eyes were glued to me, there was hardly any if no noise, and it went pretty well. Although for me when I get serious into character, I can't bounce right back. I had to take almost 10-15 minutes to collect myself and come back to reality. But God worked through me, and a lot of people told me that the drama spoke to them. So praise God!

Lynette did the ABC's of becoming a Christian for our group. She has been working with children for many years and she has a way about speaking at their level but not dumbing anything down for them. She seemed perfect to do this (this would be something that I would have done) and Courtney agreed with me. The kids were attentive and responsive. Then the rest of the day happened and....let me just describe it in this one word. CHAOS! When Courtney and I did the closing, it was probably the worse-behaved the kids have ever been this entire week (spiritual warfare). However, we got through it. After everything was said and done, I was exhausted!!!

After we did VBS, we headed to see a Taoist Temple. I had to turn my VBS shirt inside out before I went inside. When I went inside the temple, I saw true idol/misdirected worship. It was very interesting and sad. They worship this certain God in this temple. This God they worship will give them anything that they ask for. They burn incense, and then they have this ritual where they have this sticks in a cup. They shake the cup and they see which stuck comes out first. This stick will have a number or something on it and they take it to be interpreted. The person interprets it, and that it comes up with a phrase that is supposed to have some kind of meaning in your life. However if you don't like the phrase, I believe you can do it again and get a second opinion. We talked with Janice about this and one of the main questions that was asked was, "Why don't they figure out that this isn't working? That they keep asking for this stuff and they don't get it?" Janice told us, "They interpret it as, 'maybe I'm not praying hard enough' or 'maybe I am not coming here as often as I should.' " It was really sad because these people are very sincere. They are praying hard, trying to do everything right in the hopes that something good will happen. Unfortunately, their worship is misdirected. It just went to show all of us that there is a spiritual hunger in China, and the people are ready to hear.

The rest of the night, we had dinner with the owls/howls/haus (I am so sorry, but I am terrible with names). It is a doctor and his wife. The doctor is a professor at the Science and Technology university that Clearwater Church is located. He was also the man who translated the sermon into Chinese while we were there. It was a GREAT dinner. Amazing Chinese food. I was told that I would lose weight on this trip. THESE ARE LIES! I'm going to have to go on a diet or something when I get back. I don't remember what my toes look like anymore. :-)

That's about it. Please continue to pray for our group as we do the next two days of VBS. I ask that you pray for these three things;

  1. Biblical Drama: I have two more days of being Peter. Pray that I represent the scriptures accurately and that I make good use of visuals for the kids
  2. Bible Study: Courtney is lead teaching today, and I lead teach the next. Pray for the kids to be attentive and that distractions are to a minimum
  3. Strength: Even though we do VBS for three hours out of our day, it is pretty exhausting. Pray that we may keep a high energy level and that we get a good amount of sleep.

Thank you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hong Kong - Day Four

Hey Everyone:

Today was a really great day. Lynette and her mom finally got in last night! They were stuck in Tokyo for a couple of days, and we were worried that they would not be able to make it. Yet when I went to breakfast this morning, I saw both of them. So that was good thing #1 that happened today!

I was just planning on relaxing, getting on the Internet, and going over today's lesson. What ended up happening is Pete and Jason (we call him Vanover) convinced me to go with them to Hong Kong Island and look around. At first I was like, "I don't know about this..." but Pete reminded me that it's not like I am in Hong Kong a lot. So I went with them. Good thing #2 that happened was I was able to see the Subway system. LOTS OF PEOPLE but it was a fast rail and everything was very efficient. When we finally made it to where we were going, we went exploring around. Good thing #2 that happened was we went into this meat market like-place and saw this couple who were scaling, de-gutting, and preparing a fish. The man put the fish-head up so I could take a picture, and then he held an entire fish for me. Because this couple was so nice, they took pictures with all of us. It was crazy seeing him prepare that fish (sent some shivers done my spine to be honest), but it was awesome. Good thing #3 that happened (other than seeing all the business shops and people) was going to Victoria Park. I took a picture of me doing some Tai-Chi as well as a picture of some people doing the same. It was a lot of walking that entire trip, but it was well worth it.

However VBS on top of the morning I had was amazing. Today we tried out a new type of arrangement where the kids did not have to be in the classroom for an hour or more, and the music rotation did not fall into the closing celebration. We also played some intentional games before we started so the kids would not be too hyper when we began Boomerang Express. This helped tremendously. My Peter portion was a lot more dramatic than yesterday. Some of the younger kids didn't respond as well, but I was told the older ones did.

As far as the classroom goes, I thank God for Lynette getting here, for Courtney's leadership, and for all the adults that have given their time to help volunteer. It has been a great help especially since we have a very spirited classroom with some excited children!

We are about to eat at the Peak in a little while. It's a very nice restaurant that overlooks the place. Here are some things that you can pray for me about

  1. Biblical Drama: Peter is giving the story of the last supper, Jesus' Crucifixion, and his Resurrection. It's some deep stuff and it needs to keep their attention as well as be understandable and meaningful.
  2. Bible Study Hour: We are going over the ABC's of becoming a Christian.
  3. Strength: Physical/Spiritual strength for our group.

Thank you, and I hope you have a great rest of the day!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hong Kong - Days 1-3

Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in the past couple of days. It is hard to find time to get on the Internet, and you either have to pay by the minute or a good amount all at once. I am writing this 35-40 minutes before we go onto our nightly activity. So I hope that this doesn't seem rushed, but I did pay by the minute and I don't want to hold the group up.

Day One:

Day one was all about travel. We took this bubble gum airplane from Nashville to Newark, and then we took this fantastic, awesome, lovely, I'll be having dreams about this airplane from Newark to Hong Kong. I do have to say that if I had to spend 15 hours (14:45 to be exact), I'm glad that it was on this plane. I got to watch movies, shows, listen to music, and experience all the plane had to offer. It was crazy because we flew basically near the top of the world and there were parts when it was like, "Degrees outside: -75F" What in the world? We got into Hong Kong at a good time that night, checked into the hotel (which is very, very nice) and basically ate at a mall and went back to the hotel.

Day Two: Part One

Day Two for me was let's see how Scott reacts when bad stuff happens to him in a foreign When I woke up, I went to get a deposit from an ATM that was near our hotel. I put my card in, and then the screen just froze. I tried to pressing every button, but nothing worked. Finally it said, "This machine is temporarily out of order." Now mind you, we had to be leaving to go to church in a couple of hours. So copied down the number, tried to call the company, and 1st I got it in Chinese, then I kept getting a busy signal. Finally I decided to check back to see if it spit it out or something. You know what happened? The machine was in perfect working order, and my card was no where to be found. So I went back, had breakfast, and e-mailed my parents to call and cancel my card. Luckily, I am with a group of people who are supportive and I am blessed that they are willing to loan me some money for fun/pleasure. I currently owe some money to the church, but it will all be taken care of. So, no worries :-)

Day Two: Part Two

We had worship at the Hong Kong College of Science and Technology...or something like that. I apologize that I cannot remember names that well. We had worship at Scott Harris' old church in Clearwater there. It was really cool. The preacher preached in English, then it was translated at the same time into Chinese. The same happened in worship except the worship leader sang in English, then Chinese, and then at times we sang together. After the service, we all had lunch together. It was a medley of Dimsum (I am probably not spelling that right) which was pretty good. It was great having conversation with the people from the church. Very smart, very fun, and very compassionate people. If they ever come to Tennessee, I would definitely ask them to come over for dinner. That's saying a lot too because my hospitality meter on a scale from 1-10 is probably a 2. The rest of the day was spent shopping in this one market which I can't remember the name (Stanley maybe?) and I got some good stuff there.

Day Three:

I am writing this at 6:40pm Hong Kong Time on Day three, so I have a pretty good grasp on what is going on. First off, let me say that there is an INCREDIBLE breakfast buffet here. I am not a big breakfast person, but this is heaven. Anyway, today was our first day for VBS so we had to get to the place, set up, eat, and then do it. If you take St. John's church and rooms, put them all together, and eliminate anything outside, that is kind of like the room that we are dealing with for VBS. We had a good amount of kids there. Zach has the official number...there were 14 in Courtney and I's group of 3rd-4th grade. This VBS is unlike any that I have ever done before. The whole dynamic with the kids, the language barrier (they speak English, but I think they struggle with some of it), and just the home-life and life situations these kids are in make it to be a very different environment and a pretty tough one to figure out how to effectively do something. However, the women that are leaders there (including the one that's helping us all week Janice and the women in charge named Caroline) are amazing. They display extreme leadership and they are great witnesses to the kids as well as role models.

For me, I have been worrying about what the group was going to be like, and how my Peter drama will go. At first when I came out as Peter, they all started laughing. They have never seen anything like that. However, I believe they were listening and somewhat intrigued as the drama went on. I pray that God continues to work through me in that. For the main Bible Study teaching, the group is very different. Thank goodness we have a volunteer in there because I am finding it difficult to get their attention. I think my goal for the week for them is that they know the themes, bible story, and the verses. I am having some communication troubles, but kids are kids. I expect kids to act like kids. But everything I am thinking as far as behavior management goes now is like, "Are these really universal?" I may have to figure out what's going on with that.

If you could please pray for my Bible Study Group, For my co-leader Courtney Coyle, The whole Brentwood Baptist Team for strength, and also some understanding of how to coordinate and use time effectively. Also if I don't update before Wednesday...that is the day we give the plan of salvation. So (to be a little selfish) please pray for me as I do the drama for Peter in telling the story about Jesus crucified and resurrected.

I know this is a lot, there is a lot more that I didn't say! I'm sorry if that was frazzled, but it's what I got. Have a great rest of the day and thanks for reading the blogs!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I passed ECC & RAC!

I am excited right now, so please give me some time to brag a little and enjoy this moment.

Guess what?!? I PASSED! I am required to take four tests in Praxis II in order to be fully licensed and accredited in the state of Tennessee. I took two of those tests on June 13, 2009. Those two tests were; Elementary Education - Content Knowledge & Reading Across the Curriculum - Elementary. I needed a score of 140 for Content Knowledge and I got 161. I needed a score of 151 for Reading Across the Curriculum, and I got 170.

The cool part of the results is that it breaks down how you did on each part.
  • On Content Knowledge I am in the average range for Science, Math, and Language Arts, but I am above average in Social Studies.
  • On Reading Across the Curriculum, I am in the average range for Problem Solving Exercises, Assessment of Reading, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Materials & Instruction/Reading Environment. I am above average in Theory of Reading as a process; Language Acquisition and Early Literacy & Vocabulary, Spelling, and Word Study.
Now I have two more tests I need to take; Principles of Teaching and Learning for K-6, and Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.

Lots of Prayer went into these tests, so thanks family and friends. Now let's pray for the next part of the journey - these tests as well as Student Teaching!!!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I Need Thee Every Hour

I have been doing a study about Praying with the Psalms for a while, and tonight I read Psalm 91. This Psalm says that, "Those that live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty." It goes on to say that God will rescue, protect, shield, and shelter those who trust in his name, and he will give them his salvation.

Looking at this Psalm, it is really interesting that the one before it was talking & begging with God to take pity and replace their evil years with good. When I got done reading Psalm 91, it reminded me of this hymn. I am going to post a little background about this hymn (words by Annie Hawks) along with the lyrics. I hope that you get something out of this like I have.


"Annie Hawks wrote:

One day as a young wife and mo­ther of 37 years of age, I was bu­sy with my reg­u­lar house­hold tasks. Sud­den­ly, I be­came so filled with the sense of near­ness to the Mast­er that, won­der­ing how one could live with­out Him, ei­ther in joy or pain, these words, “I Need Thee Ev­e­ry Hour,” were ush­ered in­to my mind, the thought at once tak­ing full pos­sess­ion of me.

After writ­ing the lyr­ics, Hawks gave them to her pas­tor, Ro­bert Low­ry, who add­ed the tune and re­frain. The hymn was first pub­lished at the Na­tion­al Bap­tist Sun­day School Con­ven­tion in Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, in No­vem­ber 1872. Some years lat­er, af­ter the death of her hus­band, Hawks wrote:

I did not un­der­stand at first why this hymn had touched the great throb­bing heart of hu­man­i­ty. It was not un­til long af­ter, when the sha­dow fell over my way, the sha­dow of a great loss, that I un­der­stood some­thing of the com­fort­ing pow­er in the words which I had been per­mit­ted to give out to others in my hour of sweet se­ren­i­ty and peace."

I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
no tender voice like thine can peace afford.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to thee.

2. I need thee every hour; stay thou nearby;
temptations lose their power when thou art nigh.

3. I need thee every hour, in joy or pain;
come quickly and abide, or life is vain.

4. I need thee every hour; teach me thy will;
and thy rich promises in me fulfill.

5. I need thee every hour, most Holy One;
O make me thine indeed, thou blessed Son.