Friday, May 30, 2008

Update and Whoa!

I didn't tell you about the other things that I'm doing this summer. Silly me! I'm working at Legalbill. I enjoy working there. They are flexible with my hours so I can go on trips and stuff with my church, the pay is good, and I like who I work with. It's really cool this summer. Everyone got two new monitors and I am sitting at a very big desk near a window! I'm not faced toward it, but it is better than being cooped up and I'm closer to mom's office which is convenient for both of us.

I am also going on two camps this summer. I am going on the Middle School Camp which is from June 22nd-June 26th, and the High School Camp which is from June 26th-June 30th. It's at Doublehead Resort in Town Creek, Alabama which is one of my favorite places. I'm really excited about those camps. I know that I will be exhausted and possibly stretched to my breaking point, but the camp is also very relaxing.

Now for the Whoa part of my blog. It finally hit me the other day that I am now officially a Senior in College. Whoa! Can you believe that? I can't. I will probably be doing a "Victory Lap" as John calls it (going an extra semester or year), but that is totally fine. It's just crazy. I'm almost ready to go out there and get a job, my friends are getting engaged and/or married, I'm going to be 22, and the 6th graders that I had when I started teaching Lifegroups will be in 8th grade next semester and after that...High School. WHOA!

It's better to embrace what's happening than freak out about it. I'm getting older, life is going on, things are the words of the Huey Lewis, "It's all right."

I'm also going on the Mission Trip to St. John. If you are interested in going to a Crawfish Boil or donating to the "Send Scott to St. John" fund, contact me. (

Thursday, May 22, 2008

St. John team and other stuff

Here is a list of the people going to St. John:

Allie Bleakney
Amber Lovelady
Anna Goetz
Brittany Racht*
Cameron Behar
Claire Warner
Cooper Brown
Holly Searcy*
Hunter Hall
Hunter Moss
Jared Burke*
Julie Harmon
Lindsay Browning*
Micah Sledge*
Peter Coulson*
Scott Lemons*
Stephanie Schultz*
Tyler Askew
Rene' Cook*
John Cook*
* means they have been before

This will actually be my third year going to St. John. It should be very interesting. We're going to be leading VBS with a possibility of over 100 kids, we'll be painting some fire stations, leading worship at a couple churches, etc.

St. John is beautiful. As John says, "It's paradise, but paradise lost." I personally am not a big fan of the beach or very hot climates, but the sights are amazing and the people are very friendly and polite.

Please start praying for us now! Remember, if you want to donate to the "Send Scott to St. John" campaign or if you would like to go to a crawfish boil, let me know.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A little compliment goes a long way

Even though this may sound a little cliché, I think it is something important that we all should remember. The smallest things that we don't consider significant, could really mean something to someone else. Before I started my night tonight with my Life-groups, Jay Strother popped his head in to say hi to me and my group. He was telling my group how funny it was that I was in his Life-group in that very room and now I am leading one. Even though he is our Emerging Generations pastor now, it's nice to know that he still has fond memories of our lifegroup in High School and he still cares about us.

That's what I wanted to leave my Life-group with tonight. I remember when Jay would play games like "Spin the Pen" (that's when you spin a pen and when the pen stops, you say compliments or words of encouragement to whomever it's pointing to) or just take time to tell us that we were special and made for a purpose. I think I can speak for all of my friends when I say that experience lifted us all up and made us stand a little taller. I hoped that's what I could do tonight with my group.

I just Hope that as they went home tonight, they will realize that God loves them and that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. I don't care if that is the only thing they learn from me. If they can grasp that concept, I think that is one of the most important things to remember.

P.S. I am going to St. John and will post a list of all the people going and how you can pray for us! Also if you want to donate money to the "Send Scott to St. John" campaign, be sure to let me know!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

This post today is dedicated to my mother! You see that handsome little baby on the right? That is yours truly! Way back in 1980s. That was during my "I'm too cool for hair" phase. That phase ended when I was a little older than two. Since then I have had a head full of hair.

What can I say about my mom? Thank you mom for being you! Thank you for showing me what it means to serve. You not only serve in the church, but at work and in your personal life as well. Thank for you smiling, listening to Sarah and I when we've had a tough day, and for laughing at all my jokes...regardless of how stupid or pointless they are.


P.S. This is really random, but Sarah (my sister's) blog/thing she updates with is