Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Manly Movies and such

I don't know what your personal opinions are on this movie or any of the Rocky Movies, but I just have to say this. Rocky Balboa was great! It gave closure to all of the Rocky Movies, and it ended just the way it should have ended. Very well written and directed. Good Job, Mr. Stallone. I'm very impressed!

The fighting was realistic, the character development was really well, the romance was there but not in your face, and it had a little more depth than you would suspect. I'm sure some people may have a problem with it. As my dad said though, it's a guy movie. It deals with issues like Pride, Self-Respect, and how to deal with life as a Man. "It Ain't about how hard you can hit." Well Said, Rocky. You are the man!

As I was Bench Pressing today and building a bookcase out of spare tree trunks I found on my trip to the Rocky Mountains, I started to think back to my old boxing days. They used to call me the Lemonater. I had to retire because of political reasons, but I recall what it was like to step foot in that ring. It can be pretty tough if you're not careful. I have a scar on my right arm from a Hungarian Heavyweight that took a cheap shot after the bell. I left him something to remember me by after that. I just hope that his eye has healed now...

Well, I am tired. Good night to everyone!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Things work out

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9.

I finished watching Ben-Hur today, and I must say that it was a pretty good movie! It was made in 1959, and it was complete with a musical interlude and an intermission. Cool stuff, huh? After watching that movie and then reading the rest of "Boy Meets Girl," I found that I was starting to reflect on the instances in my life where God has placed me. I also started thinking to myself, "I don't want God to tell me what's going to happen to my life in the future. If he told me as a kid that I would be living in Tennessee, going to Middle Tennessee State University, and that I was only 5 foot 4, I would be like, "WHAT?!?!?" It's a good thing that I don't know exactly how my future is planned out. I don't need to know who my future wife is going to be. I don't need to know where I'm going to live or what Job I'll have. I don't need to know if Dexter is going to figure out that his sister's boyfriend is really the Ice Truck Killer (although I think he will find out this Sunday). All we can do is just live out our lives day to day and continue growing in our walk with Christ.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Isaiah 29:11.