Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Second Day of Classes

My first class was in SAG...which I have never been before. I looked on the map and I thought to myself, "It's somewhere near the nursing building, so I should be able to find it." Guess what? I actually found it! ME! The person who has been known to get lost on the way to the bathroom! I was really excited.

My first class was Biology. This room reminded me of one of those little movie theatres. It had the same seats, but with little "desks" attached. Then there was a big stage for powerpoint and also some dry erase boards for the teacher that didn't like clicking buttons. When he walked in the people beside me were like, "This is going to be an awesome class!" After listening to him, seeing his personality, and hearing the words, "This class is one of the easier ones," I had a big smile on my face! I even learned something today too! I learned about producers, decomposers, consumers, brown pelicans, ecosystems, and all that fun stuff! I was thinking, "You know what? I think I could teach this stuff to kids. Right on!"

Since I had a lot of time between classes, I came home, had lunch, took a nap, and then went to my second class. My second class was Concepts and Structures in Elementary Mathmatics! To start off, she had us tell the class what math symbol best describes ourselves. I said, "Pi because there is more to me than meets the eye and also because whenever I see that symbol, I smile because it's pi and I like to eat pie!" That got some laughs out of people. Some girls even looked back and smiled at me. Probably thinking, "Oh, look at that short funny boy who eats Pie! What a silly heart." I'm sure they used that exact wording too. After that, we took a placement test to see where we were in reguards to how much we remembered with elementary math. I thought to myself, "I just got an "A" in College Algebra....what will it say if I flunk this test?" It wasn't for a grade, but it might as well have been. I actually did pretty well. I missed two questions because apparently 2+1+1 does not equal 5 and decimal points should be put in an answer that requires a decimal point. I still got a 90% though! Which is what we have to get to pass this achievement test we have to take...but I need to go to a lab and take the test. I guess they want teachers who can do elementary math. Isn't that weird?

So today was a good day. I am starting to realize how much I miss cable and how quiet the house is without that...plus now I can't blame the mess on anyone but myself since Michael isn't here. I just need someone to email me and be like, "Scott...you should probably do the dishes and like...take out the trash."

Well that's about it. I hope you all are having a great day!


Anonymous said...

hey scott, dont forget to do the dishes and take out the trash ;)

Scott-tea said...

Thanks, Dana! Actually, I should do that when I get home. Did you know that I took a test online to see how gross I am...and it says that I am 70% Gross?!? Isn't that weird/sad?!?