Tuesday, January 29, 2008

School and Commuting

I wanted to give an update on how things are going right now.

I'm taking four classes this semester. They are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8-5 except on Friday where it is 8-12:30. I am taking Language and Literacy, the After School Health Program, First Aid and CPR, and Experimental Physical Science. They are all pretty fun classes. My hardest one is definitely going to be the Physical Science class. The others should be okay as long as I stay focused. It's easy to get distracted.

I'm also commuting this semester. It's kind of funny. People are asking me, "How do you like Commuting?" I actually have no problem with it. I do have to get up earlier in the mornings, but that's not too bad. That gives me also 40-45 minutes in the morning to just clear my head before I go into my classes. I also listen to new albums I bought, some podcasts, and I listen to the radio program in the mornings. It's nice. Plus, I get Tuesdays and Thursdays off. Which is good because I can do homework, and also prepare for Lifegroups on Wednesday night. Overall, it's a good experience.

I am sad that I can't be at the BCM a whole lot this semester. I have class during Noonday and since I'm home on Thursdays, I go to our College Lifegroup Bible Study. Which is actually really cool, but I do miss Manna on Thursday Nights.

Well, that should be a good update for now. Everything else is going pretty well. I hope that everyone reading this has a great rest of the day!

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