Sunday, June 13, 2010

What happens to a grape when an elephant steps on it?

It lets out a little Whine! HA HA HA! I slay myself. I'll be here all week, ladies and gentleman! Tip your waiters and waitresses and remember to vote!

I was trying to think of a good way to start off my blog. I thought I would start off with a joke because it would draw the attention in and also it may provide a good segue into what I am about to write. I haven't really been updating lately because there is not much to update. I am still looking for a teaching position, and I haven't gotten any bites so far. I don't know if it's because jobs are getting tougher to find or I haven't been doing just is what it is. I'll continue and keep you posted. In the mean time, I am working and hanging out with friends and family when I can.

Something I also wanted to say is that I have decided that I am going to Hong Kong again this summer for a mission trip. I have been working and saving, and I really want to go and think that I should go on this trip. There are about eight of us going, so it will be very different. It's been a very tough decision for me because of the job search, time, and money, but I feel this is the right decision. Your prayers would be appreciated.

Also if you would like to help me by donating some money, I have some information for you. If you go to the Missions Payment Center you can donate money. Any amount would be appreciated and would help a great deal. Just be sure to select the Hong Kong mission journey and under "Journey Participant Name or General Gift" type in Scott Lemons.

Thanks, and have a great rest of the day!

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