Monday, November 06, 2006

You gotta have skin

You gotta have skin! All you really need is skin! Skin's the thing that if you got it outside, it helps keep your insides in! It covers your nose...and it's wrapped around your toes! And inside it you put Lemon Meringue, and outside you hang your clothes!

That's a great song. It's called, "Skin" by Allan Sherman...Check it out!

We have been having nice doses of reality in English lately. Most of the time I don't listen but sometimes there are some good discussions. We've been having a talk about money. Our Professor (He has a doctorate, but I will refer to him as a professor) finds life very amusing. We go through all these years of college just so we can start working for the man and getting money and when we get the money, it's gone faster than we can make it, and we are using it to pay off the education that got us the job in the first place. I love that he just blantantly told everyone, "Life is not about money. Do you think you all are going to make a lot of money? You're going to work for the rest of your life to make money, and it doesn't make one bit of difference." I'm paraphrasing here, but you get the point. Money is an issue with everyone whether they admit it or not. Even our Church at BBC is talking about stewardship and the effect money has on a population/person/your Christian walk. I'll admit, I like money too. We just need to remember the old saying that money is a good servant but a bad master.

I want to eventually be in some type of teaching position, so I know that I'm not going into a field where the big bucks are made. Part of me feels like being spontaneous. Part of me wants to just get in the car and drive. Not to any place in particular, just start driving. Of course then comes that stupid money issue and also the realistic, "But you're afraid of your own shadow, how can you drive that far by yourself?!?"

I guess to sum it up, I will leave you with a couple of lines from Mr. Sherman. "When you were just a baby, your skin fit fine. And it's still gonna fit you when your 6 feet 9. So whether you're big, tall, fat, small, chubby or thin, ain't ya glad you got skin?!?"

Yes I am.

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