Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's gonna rain!

You know why I think it's going to rain? It's going to rain because I just mowed the lawn. I mowed the front, back, and for the first time the side which I still think is LEGALLY my neighbor's lawn. Whatever, I'm not bitter about it. I did get a great complement though. The lady who lives next to me who is constantly outside working on her lawn said to me, "You sure are keeping that lawn looking nice!" It's like Martha Stewart saying, "That cake looks delicious!" It made me pretty happy.

I signed up for classes the other day. There's one class that is giving me problems. I've contacted my adviser, the department chair, and now I have to meet with my adviser again. Hopefully we can get this thing sorted out! It's that class that had the prerequisite being the SOAR experience which I have done (If you don't believe me, go to my post "Elementary Fun"). I'm going to take some interesting classes though. The only thing I'm not thrilled about is my three-hour long Biology class that starts at 8am. It makes me want to kick myself.

I'm pretty excited about going to Six Flags this weekend. If I am right, this will be my 3rd-4th trip to Six Flags in Atlanta. I told a couple people that I would scream their names as I ride on a roller coaster. That might be kind of weird when someone hears me scream, "TOM! LOUIS!" But a promise is a promise. At least that's what they tell me. J/K! Don't go ROTFLOL because of that statement. B/C it would be GR8 if you could just say TTYL or BRB and ignore that whole sentence. :-)

Well, I G2G. Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Don't make it rain! My knees hurt when it rains! lol, but it did rain a little today...and i felt it...so good call on the rain from both of us! Miss you Bug-Buddy!