Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I can't say, "What the Crap?"

I have one more exam to go! It's in Regional Geography, so it shouldn't be too hard. I just need to look at some maps, my notes, and then I should be fine. I just keep finding excuses to study later. Have you ever put something off for silly reasons? Here are a list of some of my reasons from this week: I can't study on an empty stomach, I'm too full to study, it's nice outside, it's too hot, I need to mow the lawn, I need to do the dishes, Major League is on, King of the Hill is on, Scrubs is on, someone may have updated on Facebook, I may have gotten an e-mail, I need to check You Tube, etc. I did get some studying done though, so bully for me!

Here is a life lesson I learned recently. Apparently if you are in Leadership, people are looking at you to set an example. Who would have thought?!? Because of that, I need to have a talk with my Lifegroup this week about what is inappropriate to say and act. It was kind of interesting because I knew I had to give this talk and when I looked over the lesson that I will be teaching this week, guess what it's over? Ephesians 5:1-21! Which for those of you who don't have that memorized (shame on you) is about being imitators of God! It talks about crude jokes, bad language, idolatry, immorality, all that fun stuff. I guess they are going to get the holy smack-down this week!

That does mean I have to watch myself though. The parents of one of my guys says that,"Crap" is a bad word to say, so I am going to try to stop saying that. I say Crap so I don't have to say the word $%!#. Maybe from now on I'll just say Poop. "What the Poop?" or "Oh Poop! Look what happened!" or "What in the Poop are you talking about?" Ha ha ha...i just said Poop five times now! :-)

Maybe I should practice maturity too.

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