Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hong Kong 2011 (Day 5)

Hey Everyone!

Well, we made it through day two of VBS. We had 92 kids today, so we were just one short from what we had yesterday! I think it was from our class, because we only had 16. It was a good day though. The curriculum presented a little bit of a challenge to teach, but we all made adjustments and followed through. The biggest thing about day two is getting them prepared for day three! Tomorrow, we present the plan of salvation. We had a longer meeting this afternoon about that. We talked about the right and wrongs ways to talk to kids about their decision. We also mentioned about how that day is typically the hardest. The technology might not work right, the kids may be extra disruptive, our coach might not get their on time, there are just a lot of things that seem to happen when we come to day three! It's like Zach told us, "When we do something for God, he's not the only one who notices." If you could just pray for strength, clarity, and patience tomorrow, I would appreciate it. The Jet lag hit me pretty hard this morning, but luckily it didn't get me down. The lack of sleep and time change are starting to show though, so it's getting tougher to have the kind of energy I had yesterday.

Tonight will be a good night. In about 30 minutes our group will leave so we can tour the oldest church in Hong Kong (St. John's - Zach said it was close to 150 years old). We will then go to the Peak after that to have a very nice dinner and view of the skyline. I am also planning on buying a hat and trying a crepe. I am feel so tired I may wear the crepe and eat the hat :-)

Have a great rest of the day!

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