Friday, February 02, 2007

Invisible Children

I knew the movie I saw last night would be very intense. I heard my friends talk about how the movie has really opened their eyes, but I wasn't sure what the story was about and why so many students were effected by it. Basically these three guys originally were going to Sudan to do a documentary on the war. They got there, and basically didn't find anything. So this lady in the village took them to this city at night where children would commute to because they didn't want to be abducted where they currently lived. The story behind this is that since 1986 the leader of the LRA, Joseph Kony, has abducted and brainwashed children to fight in his army. He would take them out into the brush, desensitize them by forcing them to watch brutal killings, give them a gun, and say to them that they would be tortured and killed if they did not kill themselves. Since 2002, there have been over 12,000 abductions. There have been even more killings and abductions than that estimate too, as there are not many records kept of their names or even of all the murders. The story about the invisible children is that they flee to this town at night and sleep in the hospitals, in town, etc. When you see pictures of how many kids are there, you notice that they are literally packed in like sardines, no room for all of them, and some of them are so desensitized by the war, that they are unable to cry.

If you want more information on this, go to

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