Saturday, June 14, 2008

Crawfish Boil, Lifegroups, Sound of Music

First thing is first....THIS IS MY 100TH POST!!!!!! My first post was about Passion Conference...of 2006! It was right after my first semester of College. Now I am in my Senior Year of College! Look at how time has progressed!!!

Now on to other things. I'm sure you are reading this going, "Scott, wasn't the Crawfish Boil a week ago? How did it go?" Well let me tell went really well! I think we may have had a smaller crowd than last year, but I think that it was still successful. One of the cool things you can tell about the Crawfish Boil is how the group will interact with each other when it comes time to go to St. John. I was impressed by everyone. Everyone jumped in, worked hard, and I didn't really hear a whole lot of complaining. Everyone pitched in, and I think that this year was probably the smoothest I've seen it. Regardless, it was fun. The only downside is that I think I lost my favorite hat. I think Cooper has some explaining to do...(I loaned it to him)

On a different note, I did something this past week that I've never done before. I led Lifegroups for our College Class! My goodness, I was so nervous. I've led Lifegroups hundreds of times for my Middle Schoolers but never for my College Group...I was scared that they would look at me and be like, "You're teaching?!? But you're Scott! Why are you teaching?!?" I prepared for it as well as I could, and then prayed as much as I could. It turned out the whole group was very nice and supportive. There were 13 or so people there which was a relatively small crowd for us, but that was fine with me. I didn't really do anything during the night except ask questions and occasionally say something. Everyone there took control of the group and started answering questions, having discussions, sharing what God is doing in and through their lives, it was great. I just sat back and watched God work.

So Friday I left Brentwood to come to Selmer. Sarah is the musical director for Sound of Music. You know, that play about that nun who sings all the time?!? Sarah did a really good job with the music. It's always great to see Sarah in her element. I love music too, but I told Sarah that I couldn't direct or orchestrate like she does. I'd get too frustrated because I have always been a really bad perfectionist when it comes to music. Actually I'm a good perfectionist :-) Regardless, Sound Of Music...there we go.

So that's it. You don't have to donate to the "Send Scott to St. John" fund anymore. However if you would like to send money to donate to a church at St. John, let me know. We are accepting those monetary gifts.

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