Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tired + Camp = Prayer!

Hello my faithful readers! I am extremely tired right now. After I write this blog, I am letting the dogs in and going to Bed. I did not get enough sleep last night because I was pretty hyper from dancing (Tom and I were practicing something that is pretty cool), and Sarah and I had to drop mom and Dad off at the airport by 6:00am because they are going on their cruise. Needless to say, I will sleep well tonight.

This past week has been incredibly stressful. I had three meetings, I facilitated Life-groups, and I have been trying to read over this curriculum for camp that I'm leaving for tomorrow until the end of June. I'm excited for that. I love Double-head, summer camp, teaching, and God so it all works out! I just need some sleep for now.

I gave my testimony this week to our St. John group. I have given it at least three-four times since I've been in the college ministry, so I didn't think anything of it. What surprised me was John saying, "Raise your hand if you learned something new about Scott today" and almost everyone did. I didn't think I was that much of a closed book, but maybe I am. I know I'm naturally introverted. It is seriously by God's Grace that I am able to talk/socialize with people that I don't know at all or very well. If he can use a talking donkey, he can use me.

I must be going now. I'm getting sleepy and I want to check a couple of things before I go to bed and dream about living in a house made of Twizzlers. Have a good one!

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