Friday, September 19, 2008

This one-liner is Good

I found a really funny one-liner that I have used for my Facebook status. It is, "Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have." Isn't that funny?!? It can work on many different levels. If you are in the medical profession, science major, or like me, need a clever status update. My last one didn't really attract any responses. Silly people.

So, this post is also from the MTSU library. Do you see a pattern here?!? It's all right. I'm not super good at updating these things anyway, so this helps me to sit down and do it. I just got out of my Grammar class. I will be happy to pass this one. I will shoot for an "A" in all of my other classes, but this one I just want to pass. My problem is I just can't really explain why I do what I do. I know that it's correct, but I can't explain why it is. Using the answers, "It sounds right" Or "I put the verb in this column because it evens the page out." doesn't work very well.

On a very different note, guess who gets to go to a Titans game this Sunday?!? I got tickets from one of the guys in my Lifegroup. It was a funny moment because right when he did that someone came up to me and asked, "What do you have there?" and I replied, "A Bribe!" I am very thankful for it. Dad and I are going to go, so it should be a lot of fun. It won't be like the Jets vs. Broncos game where we were able to cheer, "J-E-T-S SUCK SUCK SUCK!" but it also won't be as cold. Which I know Dad will appreciate as well as me. I just hope all the people won't be cursing and drunk. That always makes the game less enjoyable...or more depending on if they are a happy drunk :-)

I guess that's about it for me. I'm still moving along. Senior year is very busy which is sad because it's going to be a long Senior year with my Victory Lap.

All right everyone. Be sure to vote in the upcoming election! (Unless you are voting for someone silly, then just stay home)

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