Monday, July 23, 2012

Hong Kong Day 4 (2012)

Hey Everyone!

We have a long break until dinner, so I am able to update a little earlier today.  Hopefully I can get everything in that I want to say before my time is up on this computer.

Today was our first day of VBS.  It was a little different because of the weather.  Real quick...there are certain level of typhoon warnings in Hong Kong that effect whether certain schools will be closed down or not.  For example if it is a lower level typhoon the primary schools would be closed, a higher level secondary schools would be closed, and really high everything closes.  Our typhoon warning was high enough today where our youngest kids could not attend (4-5 year olds).  That is one of our biggest groups, so we didn't have as large of a group as we could.  I don't know the exact number we had today.  I know I had 15 kids in my class and I heard another class had around we probably had 75-80 kids there today.  It was kind of crazy with the weather though.  It's been really windy and rainy, so the kids were hyper and tired (strange enough) and there was just a lot going on.  The report from the teachers was that it went pretty well today.  My class was okay, but I need to make some adjustments tomorrow.  I am using the 3rd-4th grade curriculum, but I have all 8 year olds, so I need to actually treat them a little differently and maybe modify some of the activities.  These are all fun things that I will try to wrap my mind around tonight.  I have a very uneven class though...13 boys and 2 girls.  These boys are all boy.  I mean that in the sense of can't sit still, very active, want to fight/wrestle on the time.  It makes it fun, but a little challenging in the classroom.  They did sit down and listen to the Bible Story very well, so that should be good for the upcoming days ahead.

We were going to go to the peak tonight, but the weather is kind of bad so we will probably just do or eat something local.  It's going to be a very chill day.  It will be good rest of the team.  I don't know about everyone, but my internal clock is still acting weird.  It also seems like I experience jet lag in spurts.

Things to pray for
-My Class
-Ministry at ICM (I think we're doing something with the kids either tomorrow or Thursday)
-Hannah's bag to get here (should be getting here tonight)
-Local church

Thanks, and have a great rest of the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bud:
I am not sure my comments are coming through. I have written one each day. Sorry about the typhoon. You seem to always have "interesting" weather. I will pray for your class, and everyone's stamina and I hope Hannah gets her bag. We miss you but know you are being a blessing to those you serve.

