Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hong Kong Day 5 (2012)

Hello Everyone,

Do you remember when I talked about the different Typhoon warnings and what they meant?  Well, today we had one of those level typhoons where everything closed.  It got to even be a 10 overnight, and then an 8 this morning.  It was pretty intense weather.  It's a mess outside, and we saw some trees uprooted as well.  Everyone is safe and fine.  Unfortunately, we did have to cancel VBS today.  We are still planning on presenting the plan of salvation tomorrow, it will probably just be a little more difficult with where things were.  I did find out this morning though, that we had a record number of children Monday EVEN with the kindergarten absent (95 kids!)  Hopefully we can have a lot more tomorrow.

Since we couldn't really do anything for a while today, we had to plan accordingly.  Once it got to be 11 or 12 the typhoon warning lifted to a three, so some businesses and restaurants opened.   We ended up going to the Science musuem (which was pretty fun and interesting) and then we saw a movie as a group.  We're planning on a dinner tonight, and then getting ready for tomorrow.

We do have some good news though.  Hannah finally got her bag!  It was actually in the Hong Kong airport last night but because of the weather, they were not able to deliver it.  Now though, everything seems to be good.  We were all very happy for Hannah when she got her bag (of course, she was happy too).

We have had some rest, and the kids have had some rest.  Now we really need to get down to business because tomorrow is a big day.

Things to pray for
-Weather to be good
-Clear Communication
-Lots of Kids tomorrow
-ICM tomorrow (hang out with the kids after VBS)

Thanks, and have a great rest of the day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Bud!!!

What a way to celebrate, not many people can have a Typhoon warning on their birthday, especially people from Tennessee. I am praying for tomorrow as you present the plan of salvation.

Love you

P.S. I am so happy Hannah got her bag.