Monday, February 13, 2006

Case of the Mondays

Today was just A...bleh kind of day. It actually started off pretty good though. My English professor brought us some candy, my other classes went pretty well, and Praise Band Practice went pretty well. I was even sporting some harmonies on a couple of them! Not too bad for a little short man that needs to cut his fingernails! If that didn't make sense to you, don't worry. I really didn't understand that either.

I'm listening to music right now, trying to decide whether I should do homework now or tomorrow morning. I know that worrying about school and then not doing anything is kind of weird in itself. Enough about that though. I watched, "Fiddler on the Roof" last night. Good movie. I found myself singing along with it. It was rather amusing because I was doing grammar exercises while listening/watching it. Which might explain why my paper was like, "You don't have to use commas because of all God's miracles large and small the most miraculous one of all is out of a worthless lump of clay, God has made a man today!" Just imagine if I was doing math! I would be like, "4 + 5x = TRADITION!"

Well, I should be going pretty soon. I need to take care of some personal business and procrastinate some more. In the words of Tevye, "God be with you."

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