Thursday, February 02, 2006


We had a debate today in our Physical Science lab. Yes you heard me right....In our Physical Science Lab. He divided us into two groups. The question asked if the scientific process is defined by those in power. It was divided into two main groups. The other group basically talked about how the Government is hindering scientific progress and how basically the administration gives more of a hoot about oil and the military than science. My group was suppose to disagree with that. Let me just say a couple of things. I consider myself passive and I don't like to debate because frankly I don't like stupid people. If the stupid people come up with something that makes sense and that I can't argue myself out of, I get defensive and start to think things like, "Yeah?!? Well....Your feet smell!" If there is a statement made that I feel is way out there and no one else addresses it properly, I will take the responsibility on myself. When it was our turn to speak, I brought up the Preamble of the Constitution and said that America has to promote the general welfare. The government has done many things to help scientific progress. It has set up national parks, wildlife refugees, Government programs such as the FDA, and I said that it is important to think of the future, but you have to be realistic. Our budget needs to encompass a lot of things. We need to concentrate also on construction, welfare, veterans benefits, the military, and human needs. You know what they did when I said this? They made smart Alec comments to everything I said! Then everything I said was basically ignored! It's like, "Let's let the short man say what he has to say, and get on with our debate!" AH!!!!!! I left kind of angry, but a guy in my class said I did a good job. :-)

If anyone does comment to this, please don't argue with what I said. I'm to the point where I don't care about facts anymore and I will just go onto name-calling! That's why I couldn't debate in High School. In the middle of the round I would be like, "What is wrong with you? Do you have any feelings at all? Are you just dumb or are you trying to make me mad! How dare you have an opinion that is not mine! Jerk!" *breathes* Do you want to know what's funny? In order to calm myself down, I came home and started singing about David mourning for his son Absolom! Then after that I washed dishes! You hear about these guys exercising, hitting bags, lifting weights, etc. to calm themselves down....I sing and wash things! At least my hands smell nice.

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