Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hong Kong 2010 (Days 1 & 2)

Hello Everyone!

I hope this blog won't sound too rushed, but I need to get to the point quicker. The main reason is the computer I use automatically logs out every 20 minutes. So, I will try to tell the main points.

The first day is just all about survival. Getting to the airport, getting through security, catching planes, and even more fun stuff that for any of you travel know about. My experience on the planes this go around...was not fun. The last 15-20 minutes of my flight to Newark was very bumpy. Both me and Lacey were getting real sick and if we had to be on there for like 5 more minutes, I'm sure the people on the plane would not have appreciated what would happen next. We did get to Newark and caught our flight on-time, but then came the 15 hour 50 minutes plane ride to Hong Kong. It goes pretty fast if you watch movies and such, but we ended up having a lot of turbulence at points. At the end of the day I had two pepcids and two dramamines and I was still feeling sick. The important thing though is I got here safe and sound and I was even able to eat some good chinese food later on that night. So all is well that ends well!

Day 2- Today was good because we were able to set up for VBS. We have G-R-E-A-T facilities this year. We are meeting at Evangil College and have full classrooms and plenty of space. It will be a great environment to teach in and just be with the kids. We got our room set up for 5th-Preteens, and I think it looks really nice. The people in my group saw my C personality mixed with my OCD/anal retentiveness. I am who I am. I might as well just embrace it! After that, we went and took a tour of a buddhist temple as well as a christian retreat center. The Christian retreat center was really cool, but it was sad at the Buddhist temple. The saddest part was they had shrines that contained pictures (and the ashes) of deceased family members and you could burn incense and pray to them. There is a lot of spiritual darkness here that people are just looking for anything to help them spiritually.

I would go more into this, but frankly I have less than seven minutes and there are other people that need to use this. I am going to make an outline next time so I can go into more detail.

Please Pray For -

1. Zach as he preaches tomorrow with someone translating his message
2. Strength for the team as we continue to battle jet-leg
3. The volunteers that are working with us.
4. The kids coming to VBS
5. That all the planning will come together and there will be no big problems.

Thanks, and I will blog again soon!



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Bud. Sorry about the trip but praying for you all and I know God will bless you and the children. Love, Mom

Jennifer and Jason said...

Jen and I are praying for all of you and for the kids. Please tell all of the kids that we knew that we miss them and keep them in our prayers.

Jason and Jen