Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I don't understand why I am hungry after I just ate something. I had supper and I ate a Chicken/Mushroom Pot Pie. I could only eat half of it because I was, "so full." I may have been full because I was eating peanuts and cheetos before hand.... but that's not the point. I finished that, and then Michael decided he was going to cook pizza. I told him that I may have a piece if he made some. When it was ready, I took my piece...which turned out to be two. I was doing homework at the time, so I ate my pieces while trying to figure out the average of these silly numbers. You know what? I was still hungry! Did I take that as a sign that I may be eating out of stress or comfort?!? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I went and got some Pop Tarts. Then while having Pop Tarts, I decided that I need something salty to counter-balance it. Therefore I am here now eating pop tarts, and cheese its. At least I decided to lay off the Cherry Coke for right now and am drinking sugar-free cherry Kool-Aid. Thanks mom!

I also broke two of my drinking glasses today and ran out of paper plates :-( I can get more, I just felt like announcing this to the blog-reading world. While I'm announcing things, I'm singing along with "My Favorite Things." Does anyone have a problem with that?!? As Julie says, "When I'm feeling sad....I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!"

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