Monday, January 09, 2006

I think the best thing to do is to just write on here until I figure out what it is that I want to say. You would be amazed at the type of things that suddenly come to mind once you just let go and start writing, or rather typing in this case. I once started writing about how I was really bored and then it got into a question of what the purpose of life was. It makes you wonder about the Purpose of life and then the purpose of your own life. Do both coincide with each other, or does everyone have a specific purpose that will ultimately fit in with the absolute purpose in life? I think the second is more true. After all, it's not all about us. Is it? That's not to make light of life to think that no one person can make a difference. I believe that if we are to make a difference, we should realize that the difference will not be reflected for the better of the person. Rather it will be reflected for the better of the ultimate purpose. The reason why we are all here to begin with.

See what I mean? Stuff just comes out...Rather it makes sense or not is beyond the point. Let's try to talk about something different, shall we? I love my dogs. They are very weird, but also very loving. Lindy will just stare into my eyes for a long period of time, and Binks' whole personality will come alive when I just through a blue ball across a lawn. If I am gone for a couple of days, they will cry and bark like they haven't seen me in years! They are very spirited it's true, but they also are very aware of what's going on. They know the right times to beg, the right times to sleep, and they know when to come near a member of the family. For instance if I am bored or dad is just sitting there, Lindy will come and try to climb on a lap, or Binks will start speaking to you asking if you want to go outside and play fetch. Yes, Binks speaks. I just wish he would stop correcting my grammar...

Well, I hope you all had fun reading my blog! That is if there are people out there reading it. I hope there are. :-) I wish you all the very best and I hope you have a great rest of the day!

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